


Director of School of Marine and Environmental Programs

Arthur P董事. 吉拉德海洋科学中心


Doherty Chair of Marine 科学 研究



Dr. Charles 蒂尔堡 is the Director of the School of Marine & Environmental Programs, Director of the Arthur P. 吉拉德海洋科学中心, and Doherty Chair of Marine 科学s 研究 at the University of New England. He received a Bachelor of 科学 in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of 科学 in Environmental Engineering from the 德克萨斯大学 and a 海洋学博士 from 佛罗里达州立大学. He has twenty years of research and teaching experience in physical oceanography, 数值模拟, and bio-physical coupling of marine systems. He has more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and received more than three million dollars in research funding. Charles taught in the marine science departments of the University of Georgia and the University of New England before becoming Academic Director of the School of Marine and Environmental Programs. 





  • 气候变化
  • 适应气候变化
  • 沿海海洋
  • 海洋生物学
  • 数值模拟


博士后训练, College of Marine Studies



I am the Principal Investigator on a NASA sponsored project to examine water quality in the Saco River. I am also a co-Principal Investigator on the Saco River 沿海 Observing System which examines the physical factors that influence the Saco River plume, 区域内的交通, 盐度波动. I am co-Principal Investigator on a National 科学 Foundation (NSF) sponsored project to examine the transport of blue mussel larvae in the Gulf of 缅因州 and a GK-12 NSF project to improve the communication skills of graduate students.


罗宾逊,. R., M. Esty和C. E. 蒂尔堡, A Compact GPS Surface Drifter with LoRa Telemetry and Self-Contained Tracking System, 海洋技术学会学报, 55 (1), pp. 88-105, 2021.

斯莱特,M. A., P. A. 摩根,C. E. 蒂尔伯格和S. E Travis, Environmental variables, not Allee effects, drive patch vigor in exotic 芦苇南极光 stands invading the Saco River Estuary, 缅因州, USA, 水生植物, http://Dittel, and Coi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2016.10.006, 2017.

希尔曼,年代. J., S. I. 塞曼, C. E. 蒂尔伯格和H. E. 列表, My Attitudes Toward 科学 (MATS): The development of a multi-dimensional instrument measuring students’ science attitudes, 学习环境研究, 19 (2), pp. 203-219, 2016. 

Yund P. O., C. E. 蒂尔伯格和M. A. 麦卡特尼, Across-shelf distribution of blue mussel larvae in the northern Gulf of 缅因州: Consequences for population connectivity and a species range boundary, 英国皇家学会开放科学, 2, 150513. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098 / rso.150513, 2015.

蒂尔堡,C. E., L. M. 乔丹,一个. E. 卡尔森,年代. I. 塞曼和P. O. Yund, 降水的影响, 河道流量, land use and coastal circulation on water quality in coastal 缅因州, 英国皇家学会开放科学, 2, 140429. http://Dittel, and Cx.Dittel, and Coi.org/10.1098/rsos.140429, 2015.  

Bloodsworth K. H., C. E. 蒂尔伯格和P. O. Yund, Influence of a river plume on the distribution of Brachyuran crab and Mytilid bivalve larvae in Saco Bay, 缅因州, 河口和海岸, doi: 10.1007/s12237-015-9951-5, 2015.

科恩,J. H., C. K. 汉森,. I. Dittel D. C. 米勒和C. E. 蒂尔堡, The ontogeny of larval swimming behavior in the crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus: implications for larval transport, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 462, 20-28, 2015.

希尔曼,年代. J., K. H. Bloodsworth C. E. 蒂尔堡,年代. I. 塞曼和H. E. 列表, K-12 学生’ Perception of Scientists:  Finding a valid measurement and exploring whether exposure to scientists make an impact, International Journal of 科学 教育, doi: 10.1080/09500693.2014.908264 2014.

蒂尔堡,C. E., M. A. 麦卡特尼和P. O. Yund, Across-shelf transport of bivalve larvae:  Can the interface between a coastal current and inshore waters act as an ecological barrier to larval dispersal?, 《全球网赌十大平台》。 7(11): e48960. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0048960, 2012.

蒂尔堡,C. E., A. I. Dittel D. C. 米勒和C. E. Epifanio, Transport and retention of the mitten crab (中华绒螯蟹) in a Mid-Atlantic estuary: Predictions from a larval transport model, 海洋研究杂志, 69, 137-165, 2011a.

蒂尔堡,C. E., S. 吉尔,年代. I. 塞曼,. 卡尔森,T. Arienti J. 埃克霍斯特和P. O. Yund, Characteristics of a shallow river plume: Observations from the Saco River 沿海 Observing System, 河口和海岸, 34, 785-799, 2011.

蒂尔堡,C. E., J. Seay T. D. 主教,H. L. Miller III,和C. Meile, Distribution and retention of Petrolisthes armatus in a coastal plain estuary: the role of vertical movement in larval transport, 河口, 沿海, 与货架科学, 88, 260-266, 2010.

主教,T. D., H. L. 米勒三世,R. L. 沃克,维. H. 赫尔利,T. Menken和C. E. 蓝蟹蒂尔堡(Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) settlement at three Georgia (USA) estuarine sites, 河口和海岸, 33, 688-698, 2010.

霍顿,R. W., R. 唱,. 大米和C. E. 蒂尔堡,年代alt flux into coastal river plumes: Dye studies in the Delaware and Hudson River outflow, 海洋研究杂志, 67, 731-756, 2009.

沃戈,. M., C. E. 蒂尔堡,W.B. 德里格斯和J. A. 苏里科沃斯基做, Effect of a freshwater plume on icthyoplankton distribution off the coast of southern 缅因州, 东北部的博物学家, 16, 647-654, 2009.

蒂尔堡,C. E., A. I. d. E. Epifanio, High concentrations of crab larvae along the offshore edge of a coastal current:  Effects of convergent circulation, 海洋渔业, 18, 135-146, 2009.


The circulation of estuaries and the coastal ocean. I am particularly interested in climate change and the physical factors that govern the distribution of river plumes, 螃蟹的运输, 鱼, 贻贝幼虫, and across-shelf transport on the continental shelf. My work involves a combination of field observations, 遥感技术, 数值模拟.

