
An internship is a learning adventure, a passport to a professional experience, 这也是一个机会,让你综合你在课堂上学到的知识,并将其应用到现实世界的实践中. 但它的意义远不止于此——实习让你走出课堂,让你有机会获得职业道路的第一手经验. It’s a chance for you to grow your perspective, hone your academic and professional 技能, and solidify your vision of the future.



  1. 和你的专业或学术顾问谈谈你的职业兴趣,以及实习如何能帮助你把这些点联系起来.
  2. 与全球网络赌博平台的实习协调员预约,确定实习机会, begin the application process, and make sure you’re prepared to gain from your experience.
A student stands next to two dogs in an outdoor kennel

Benefits You Can Count On

作为一名本科生,参加实习可能会改变你的学术和职业生涯. 它为您提供了一个独特的机会,将您的知识应用于现实世界的设置,并允许您获得宝贵的见解, 技能, and connections that can significantly impact your future career. 通过实习, you'll develop a deeper understanding of your field, discover your strengths and interests, and enhance your problem-solving abilities. 此外, you'll have the chance to network with professionals in your chosen industry, potentially leading to mentorship opportunities and future job offers.

Hands-On Learning and Networking

Some of the many benefits of completing an internship include:

  • Hands-On Learning: 应用 classroom knowledge in a real-world setting.
  • Skill Development: Build 职业能力 while gaining practical 技能 and experience.
  • Career Clarity: Discover your strengths and interests within your field.
  • Networking: Connect with professionals in your chosen industry.
  • Mentorship: Potential opportunities for mentorship.
  • Resume Enhancement: Boost your resume with relevant experience.
  • Career Opportunities: Increase your chances of securing future job offers.

Whether you're seeking to boost your resume, clarify your career goals, or gain a competitive edge, an internship is your gateway to personal and professional growth.

Experience a Pre-Med Internship at a Local Hospital
Headshot of U N E student Ashlee Griffith


动物行为, Marine 科学s (海洋生物学 Track)


Credit-bearing 实习 是因为他们把你的学习和你在实习期间的实际工作结合起来了吗. 他们通过向你展示如何将所学知识应用于该领域,或向你展示如何将所学知识应用于职业本身,从而真正帮助你建立在课堂上学到的知识的基础上. 

我喜欢我在全球网络赌博平台的课程,我想在我选择的职业领域获得一些现实世界的经验, to ensure that is what I wanted to do but to also build my resume. 我在缅因州儿童博物馆和剧院的水族馆部门实习. 

我认为这次实习为我所选择的领域提供了宝贵的经验, giving me more knowledge and therefore confidence in my abilities. 我获得了不同学科的经验,这将与我未来的职业目标有关. 我得到了实习前我所缺少的动物护理和水族水箱的实际操作. 

我还获得了程序设计方面的经验,因为我被允许使用我的辅修课程 动物行为 to work with a staff member to design 动物行为 programming. 



这次实习帮助我将所学到的知识运用到课堂之外. I was able to compare my first-hand experience to things I learned in class 

My classes and labs, particularly those in my [海洋生物学[英语泛读教程大调和小调, 给了我一些概念性的知识,让我对将要照顾的动物有一个基本的了解, but to also share those facts with the kids. 

Many of my classes use native or local flora and fauna as examples, 这是非常有益的,因为儿童博物馆的水族馆主要是在缅因州水域发现的动物. 



动物行为, Marine 科学s (海洋生物学 Track)

Where and when you can do an internship

全球网络赌博平台,我们相信从他们的学术之旅开始就赋予学生权力. That's why we offer internship opportunities starting from your first year. 无论你是在寻找当地的经验来平衡你的学习,还是想探索区域, 国家, 或者全球机会, 我们会帮你的. Our extensive network of relationships spans every sector, 包括企业, 公司, non-profit organizations, 以及政府机构. 因此,在选择何时何地开始你的实习冒险时,可能性是无穷无尽的.

Early 实习 allow you to apply classroom knowledge, 获得实用技能, and build a strong foundation for your future career, ensuring that you graduate not just with a degree, but with the experience and confidence to succeed in your chosen field.

Biological 科学s major Emily Morris interns as a dental assistant

生物科学专业的艾米丽·莫里斯在肯纳邦克的肯纳邦克牙科中心实习牙医助理, 缅因州.

医学生物学专业的Ethan Gagnon作为COVID-19疫苗接种计划的一部分实习生

医学生物学学生Ethan Gagnon作为新冠肺炎疫苗接种计划的一部分在波特兰缅因州医学中心实习, 缅因州.

海洋事务专业的Julia Basantes在Ocean’s Balance实习,担任制片助理

海洋事务专业的Julia Basantes在比德福德的海洋平衡公司实习,担任制片助理, 缅因州.


全球网络赌博平台,我们认识到实习的财务方面是学生最关心的问题. 好消息是,许多实习机会是带薪或提供津贴的. 这些带薪实习不仅可以让你获得宝贵的实践经验,还可以帮助你抵消一些教育费用. We understand that financial considerations are important, 我们的专业团队致力于帮助您在任何可能的情况下找到带薪机会. Whether you’re considering a paid or unpaid internship, 我们致力于帮助你获得一种体验,帮助你充分利用你的学术之旅.

Credit-Bearing Interships

Many 实习 can be taken for credit, 事实上, 实习经历可能是你专业必修课程的一部分. This means that your internship can count towards your degree requirements, 提供现实世界的经验与您的学术课程的无缝集成. 我们的专业顾问和教师与您密切合作,根据您的学术和职业目标量身定制实习经验, 确保你在获得学位学分的同时最大限度地利用实习的好处. 这是一个将实践学习与学术成就相结合的双赢机会.